Add Shifts

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To add a shift, click in the row for the appropriate employee on the day where you want to add the shift. LiveIQ creates a shift for the selected employee on the selected day; the new shift starts at opening time and ends at closing time. After adding the shift, you can edit it as needed.

You can schedule multiple shifts for a single employee on the same day, whether in the same restaurant or in different restaurants within the same organization. The schedule screen displays a hashed border around the shift to highlight where a staff member is scheduled to work overlapping shifts. You cannot save a schedule that includes overlapping shifts.

Use the weather forecast to help determine how many employees you will need per shift.

You can schedule an employee for times when the employee is unavailable. However, the unavailability period appears on the schedule as a scheduled block time and indicates the reason (for example, paid leave). When you hover over the shift, the tool tip indicates that the shift includes time that the employee is listed as unavailable.

The schedule also highlights calendar events for each employee on the schedule so you can easily identify any conflicts and adjust the schedule.

Breaks where scheduled appear as indentations so you can easily identify if any breaks are scheduled concurrently or overlapping.